Winter Clearance and Ex-Display Sale Now On. More lines added! Winter Clearance and Ex-Display Sale Now On. More lines added!

Marina Days


82 in stock

A marina glistening in ethereal peace, crowned beneath unruffled skies. Feel the heart-stirring colors of Craig Trewin Penny's tranquility-theatricality blend—all the beauty of the coast in a single print. Perfect for homes overlooking the waves or just for when you need a reminder of what being by the water feels like. Dive deep into the moody hues and find the depth hidden in the scene.

Born in Mildura Australia, Craig has shown an interest in art and drawing from a very young age and has created a successful career as a professional artist.

Craig has skills in a range of mediums including computer graphics; he taught both traditional drawing, illustration and digital drawing at both Victoria University and Swinburne University.

Craig never lost his love of using traditional methods and now specialises in watercolour, acrylic painting and illustration.

Size: 14x23x1inch. / 36x59x3cm


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